Budget: Argentina

We spent 115 days in Argentina and spent a total of $9,035.  That means that we spent on average about $78 per day.

Our gas budget was a little lower than it should be because we always tried to come into Argentina with a full tank when crossing the border with Chile.

Our expenses were pretty evenly split: $3,018 on food and drink (about 33%); $4,209 on transportation (about 47% – about $2,200 of which was shipping the rig back to the USA); $1,129 on living expenses (about 13%).

The charts below should break everything down.  The chart on the left shows the primary categories.  The chart on the right will break down whatever primary category you select (just click on a wedge slice in the pie chart on the left).  Some reports that these charts aren’t working on Android devices; I’m sorry but I don’t own one yet so I can’t test it.

On to the charts: