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Budget: Ecuador

We spent 35 days in Ecuador and spent a total of $3,899.  That means that we spent on average about $111 per day.

Our largest expense was entertainment ($1,168 – about 30% of the total budget), followed by transportation ($1,106 – about 28% of the total budget), and finally Food & Drinks ($1,053 – about 27% of the total budget).

Our trip to the Galapagos really threw our budget off. Entertainment expenses included all the tours we did while on the Galapagos. Meanwhile, our transportation expenses included flights to & from the island as well as our ferries from island to island and we ended up over-paying for parking our rig while on the islands. Our food budget was also higher than usual because we had to eat all our meals in restaurants while at the Galapagos. All in all, we estimate that our 2 weeks on the Galapagos cost us about $2,500. On the bright side, I am happy to report we only spent $169 on diesel fuel and purchased about 168 gallons of fuel — my oh my how I will miss the fuel prices in Ecuador!

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