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Budget: Costa Rica

We spent 17 days in Costa Rica and spent a total of $1,473.  That means that we spent on average about $87 per day. This was slightly inflated because we didn’t fill up with fuel in Nicaragua and arrived in Costa Rica with a nearly empty tank. Unfortunately, fuel was extremely expensive in Costa Rica, and we paid the price! In addition, we did a lot of driving. We raced to San Jose in an attempt to get my camera fixed, only to backtrack towards the Nicoya Peninsula. We also had some maintenance done on the rig (oil change along with all the filters).

Our largest expense was transportation ($680 – $490 of which was spent on fuel, the rest on the oil change and a ferry), followed by food & drink ($427), and finally entertainment ($228 — those national parks in Costa Rica are expensive!). We only spent $36 on camping our entire time in Costa Rica — we spent most our time free camping on the beaches!

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