Budget: Uruguay

We spent about 12 days in Uruguay and spent a total of $678.  That means that we spent on average about $56 per day.

We spent $413 on food & drink (about %61), $185 on transportation (27%) and $78 on living expenses (%11). We had a couple blow-out dinners in Uruguay, one at the grilled meat market in Montevideo and another night eating fondue with our swiss friends. We camped the entire time in Uruguay, most of it free urban camping around Montevideo and Colonia, but we also had 4 great nights at Swiss Valparaiso on the coast. Fuel in Uruguay was expensive — about $6.50 per gallon! We just spent enough on fuel to get us out of the country. Speaking of fuel, they only have low sulfur diesel fuel in Uruguay, so that should make all you model year 2007+ diesel owners happy!

The charts below should break everything down.  The chart on the left shows the primary categories.  The chart on the right will break down whatever primary category you select (just click on a wedge slice in the pie chart on the left).  Some reports that these charts aren’t working on Android devices; I’m sorry but I don’t own one yet so I can’t test it.

On to the charts: