We woke up on Saturday for the first time in almost a week to no rain, it gave us hope that our all day boat tour might have some decent weather. By the time we got to the dock the sun had come out in full force, Seward looked like another town, I almost did not recognize where we were. It was as if within an hour it went from a black and white movie to technicolor. It felt glorious to be in the sun again!
The Captain told us that it was one of the best days he had seen all summer, the water was completely flat, the boat uncrowded and the sun was shining all day. We were so happy our splurge day turned out to be so stunning. Below if very photo heavy, but the pictures tell the best story of how we spent our day.

Many different sea birds along the cliff, some looked just like penguins. My favorite were the Puffins (far right orange feet)