Budget: Baja, Mexico

We spent 43 days in Baja, Mexico and spent a total of $1,471.60.  That means that we spent on average $34.22 per day.

Our largest expense was food ($757), followed by transportation ($417), and then living expenses ($253 – almost all camping costs). We didn’t include insurance, which we got from bajabound.com — this insurance was good for 6 months and our entire trip in Mexico. It will undoubtedly vary for everyone based on their vehicle. In addition, this doesn’t include the costs of the ferry from La Paz to Mazatlan (about $500). You’ll see that in our mainland Mexico budget.

The charts below should break everything down.  The chart on the left shows the primary categories.  The chart on the right will break down whatever primary category you select (just click on a wedge slice in the pie chart on the left).  This is all a bit untested, so I’m not sure how these charts will work/act on mobile devices.  Let me know if they aren’t working for you!

On to the charts: